10 Tips before you make investment
10 Tips before you make investment
You decided to start a journey of Investment? And you are wondering how it’s going to be? We say that you should think about a few things before you take any step first. Investing is a rich adventure that you may enjoy more if you take in consideration these main tips before investing:
1 - Call IIT for free consulting for investment anywhere in Turkey.
2 - Ask about investment market for accurate insight information and remove any fear you can have as a first time investing.
3 - Make sure that you understand investment trends, areas, products and rules. Don’t hesitate to ask again and again.
4 - Cut down your product alternatives to two than re-study the last two to make the final decision.
5 - To calculate the real cost of your investment plan ask IIT for assistance
6 - Make sure your consultant in IIT does his negotiating for the best conditions on the product you want.
7 - Open a bank account at any Kuwait Turk Bank Branch in advanced and make your finance ready for prompt action. You can be offered half price product with a dead line you wouldn’t want to miss.
8 - Finalize your decision, confirm buying and request your consultant to start the purchasing process.
9 - Make your exit plan with your consultant. Do you want to re-sale it? or you want to rent it for income? Your investment should be a winning investment whether passively or actively.
10 - Do not ask others opinion after you purchased a product. Keep your mind clear and determined.